New Officers and Directors Elected

The Manchester Historical Society elected new officers and four new members of the board at its annual meeting in December. New officers are Frederica Templeton, president, Kim Rizio, vice president, Sally Treat, secretary, and Bill Badger, treasurer. New board members Mike Powers, Gail Rice, Linda Benway and Eric Severance join current members Judy Harwood, Terry Tyler, and Bob Treat. Wes Hill was named curator.The society's next program, presented jointly with the Dorset Historical Society, is "The History of the Manchester, Dorset and Granville Railroad" given by Bill Badger on Feb. 19 at the Long Trail School at 7 pm. Come find out how a library brought forth a railroad.Many items from the collection can be seen on display in the Manchester Town Hall on Route 7A North.For more information please e-mail us at


May and June Programs 2014